miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018


TOPIC: Consumer psychology.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the behavior of the consumer before the sale.

When a person wants to buy a product, there are some factors that allow this transfer to take place. There are also many factors that we have to take into account when choosing a product.
In the action of the purchase, the following is taken into account:
  • Intrinsic Motivation: That is that motivation that obeys internal motives of the person.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: That is the one where a reward is received.
  • Combined Motivation: It is the result or mixture of learned behaviors with unlearned behaviors.
  • Motivation Learned: They are configuring through social contact. They are not necessary and fundamental reasons for human survival.
  • Unlearned Motivation: They are fundamental for the organism to survive or stay alive.
We also have the peripheral vision that is that organizations must be able to focus the world with a wide angle lens to see how their actions relate to other spheres of the same activity.

In this class we learned what the factors are and what emotions the consumer takes into account when choosing a product or a service. It is necessary to emphasize that in many of the occasions the economic environment that surrounds us takes a lot of importance in this action. 

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